Problem Statement

Micromouse is a robotics competition where small, autonomous self contained robots attempt to map, then solve and navigate a previously unseen maze.

The mice have to find their way from a certain pre-chosen corner cell to one of the centre four cells of the maze, in the fastest possible time. To achieve this, they are allowed to make as many runs from the start cell to the finish cell as they can fit within a pre-specified timeslot.

Essentially, there is a wooden maze made up of a 16 by 16 grid of cells. The mouse will need to keep track of where it is, discover walls as it explores, map out the maze and detect when it has reached the goal.

But the autonomous robots are not the only solution. Innumerous algorithms would also work.

As if that was not enough, the winner is the mouse that manages this the fastest.

Mouse Specifications


  1. A Micromouse should be self contained. It should not use an energy source employing a combustion process.
  2. Although the superstructure of the mouse may 'bulge' above the top of the maze walls, the mouse must be subject to the following size constraints - width 25cm, length 25cm. There is no height limit. The mouse must be completely self-contained and receive no outside assistance.
  3. The method of wall sensing is at the discretion of the builder (contact, reflective etc). However, the mouse must not exert a force on any wall likely to cause damage (Judges can debar any machine if it is likely to cause damage to the maze in anyway).
  4. The method of propulsion is at the discretion of the builder, provided that the power source is non-polluting. If the judges consider that a mouse has a high risk of damaging or sullying the maze they will not permit it to run. Nothing may be deposited in the maze.
  5. A Micromouse shall not leave anything behind while negotiating the maze.
  6. A Micromouse shall not jump over, climb, scratch, damage, or destroy the walls of the maze.
  7. Participants are allowed to use Lego Kit or any other readymade kit but preference will be given to self made kit for Micromouse

Maze Specifications


  1. The maze shall comprise 16 x 16 multiples of an 18 cm x 18 cm unit square. The walls constituting the maze shall be 5 cm high and 1.2 cm thick. Passageways between the walls shall be 16.8 cm wide. The outside wall shall enclose the entire maze.
  2. The sides of the maze shall be white, and the top of the walls shall be red. The floor of the maze shall be made of wood (plywood) and finished with non-gloss black paint (black-board paint).
  3. Caution: Do not assume the walls are consistently white, or that the tops of the walls are consistently red, or that the floor is consistently black. Fading may occur. Parts from different mazes may be used. Do not assume the floor provides a given amount of friction. It is simply painted plywood and may be quite slick.
  4. The start of the maze shall be located at one of the four corners. The starting square shall have walls on three sides. The starting square orientation shall be such that when the open wall is to the "north", outside maze walls are on the "west" and "south". At the center of the maze shall be a large opening which is composed of 4 unit squares. This central square shall be the destination.
  5. Small square posts, each 1.2 cm x 1.2 cm x 5 cm high, at the four corners of each unit are called lattice points. The maze shall be constituted such that there is at least one wall touching each lattice point, except for the destination square.
  6. The dimensions of the maze shall be accurate to within 5% or 2 cm, whichever is less. Assembly joints on the maze floor shall not involve steps greater than 0.5 mm. The change of slope at an assembly joint shall not be greater than 4. Gaps between the walls of adjacent squares shall not be greater than 1 mm.
  7. Multiple paths to the destination square are allowed and are to be expected.






Competition Rules


  1. Participants have to submit their machines to organizers at the time of registration at IIIT Allahabad.
  2. All the participants will collect their machines 15 min before the competition.
  3. When the maze is unveiled ,each team is given 3 minutes, before the start of his run, to make any adjustments (if any) to the mouse sensors and calibrate the sensors.
  4. Each contesting Micromouse is allocated a total of 10 minutes of access to the maze after the 3 minutes sensor adjustment time. The maze-time clock will commence after the expiry of the 3 minutes time limit even if the handler is still making adjustments to the sensors.
  5. Any time used to adjust a mouse between runs is included in the 10 minutes. Each run (from the start cell to the center zone) in which a mouse successfully reaches the destination square is given a run time. Each run shall be made from the starting square. The operator may abort a run at any time. If an operator touches the Micromouse during a run, it is deemed aborted, and the mouse must be removed from the maze. If a mouse has already crossed the finish line, it may be removed at any time without affecting the run time of that run. If a mouse is placed back in the maze for another run, a Touch Penalty will be added.Winners will be decided on the basis of shortest official time which is calculated as:

Official Time = Run Time + Touch Penalty
Touch Penalty = (N/4)*(Best Run Time) Where N = Number of touches prior to the best run.

  1. NOTE, again, that the 10-minute timer continues even between runs. If Micromouse does not reach the center of maze then judges will make a qualitative assessment of the Micromouse's performance, based on distance achieved, 'purposefulness' versus random behavior and quality of control.
  2. All mice that enter the center square within their 10 minute allotment are ranked higher than those who do not enter the center square.
  3. If a mouse 'gets into trouble' the handlers can ask the judge for permission to abandon the run and restart the mouse at the beginning (Touch penalty shall be added in this case).
  4. The mouse may, after reaching the destination square, continue to navigate the maze, for as long as their total maze time allows.
  5. The judges reserve the right to ask the operator for an explanation of the Micromouse. The judges also reserve the right to stop a run, declare disqualification, or give instructions as appropriate (e.g., if the structure of the maze is jeopardized by continuing operation of the mouse).
  6. A contestant may not feed information on the maze to the Micromouse.Therefore,changing ROMs is not allowed.they are allowed to:
         * Replace batteries between runs
         * Adjust sensors (gain,position etc.)
         * Change speed settings.
         * Make repairs
         * However, a contestant may not alter a mouse in a manner that alters its weight (e.g. removal of a bulky sensor array or switching to lighter batteries to get better speed after mapping the maze is declared is not allowed). The judges shall arbitrate.
  7. Judges decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
  8. The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered participants.

    Team Specifications

  A team may consist of a maximum of 3 members. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.





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